Report - 2013
Jim Lawler - president
The club continues to have success in bringing Atlantic salmon back to
their native waters. This May, a
27” Atlantic salmon was caught
and released in Oneida Lake. A newspaper article and photo helped
publicize our efforts.
An ice jam backed up water in Fish Creek and flooded the hatchery in
early February. Cold weather then froze the high water, shifting
tanks off their supports. Luckily, the eggs had not arrived yet,
we were ready for them by the time they came.
The Club ordered 45,000 eyed eggs from the hatchery in Casco,
The eggs were ready in mid February. Arley Morey drove to Casco
brought them back on Valentine’s Day.
Club members set up and manned the display booth at several sports
shows over the winter, spring, and fall.
Tom Schneider again ran the raffle and collected prizes. Raffle
tickets were sold at each show, and the winning tickets were drawn in
The Oneida Lake Association asked that someone from the Club give a
talk at the annual meeting in late April describing the history and
goals of the club. Jim Lawler gave a talk to attendees.
This years stocking was conducted in two stages. The Ed Weed Fish
Culture Station in Vermont had 15,000 fry available to us for stocking
in early April. The fish were brought back on Saturday April 6 to
huge turnout of members and supporters ready to stock the fish.
Due to
deep snow still along the East Branch, these fish were stocked in four
locations on the West Branch of Fish Creek and the Mad River.
Fish from our hatchery were ready to stock in late June. Due to earlier
flooding in the area, especially in Oneida, the water level on the East
Branch was too high for stocking. The decision was made to stock our
30,000 fish in the West Branch and Mad River. For the first time, no
fish were stocked in the East Branch of Fish Creek. This should help
determine if natural reproduction is taking place.
Tunison Labs in Cortland has been rearing fingerling Atlantic salmon
for release in the Oswego River. Tom Schneider and Arley Morey
with stocking Tunison’s salmon in the river behind the Altmar
Arley traveled to the ADK Hatchery in Lake Clear to help with their
salmon egg take in November. We hope to continue this in the future.
The Spey Nation event was held July 20 at Pineville, and proceeds from
prize raffles at the event were again donated to the Club (over
$3500). Our affiliation with the Spey Nation event continues to
very rewarding.
Paul Miller headed up a project to bring Trout in the Classroom to
Camden Middle School on behalf of TU. For the first time, some of our
Atlantic salmon will be also be raised by the students.
Neil Ringler of ESF and Margaret Murphy put together a New York Sea
Grant proposal to fund a grad student to help us with field work and
analysis required to develop a strategic plan. The proposal has
received funding, and Neil and Margaret are reviewing available grad
students for suitable candidates.
The Club received several egg incubators from the ADK Hatchery in Lake
Clear a few years ago but they have been in storage since. We
to set up one incubator for the 2014 eggs and warm the water to
increase growth. In August, several members visited the hatchery for
more information on setting up and operating the
incubators. We
asked Harden Furniture if there was space in a building where we could
put the incubator to avoid spring flooding. They offered us space
in a
pump house next to the creek that supplies water for the
factory’s fire
protection system. The incubator should be operational by the
time the
eggs arrive.
Next year we expect to be working with an ESF grad student on field
work and a Strategic Plan. This may include further improvements to the