The same technique used in the Eugene Bend can be use
also to make a loop. This knot out performs the Surgeon's
knot in tying a leader to a tippet.
- Double the end of the line to mame a loop. Fold
the loop back on itself to make a double loop.
Hold every thing on the left between your thumb
and forefinger.
- Push a pair of forceps through the double loop
and twist the loop three full turns.
- With the forceps, grap the single loop and pull
it through the double loop.
- Begin to tighten the knot by pulling on the
single loop with your right hand and the standing
line and tage end with your left. As you draw the
knot snug, pause to even out the ends of the
wraps. Then lubricate the knot and pull it tight.
Clip the tag end about 1/16 of an inch.