A Guide to Dates of Mayfly Hatches in CNY

A number of queries have been made about Mayfly hatches in the Central New York area. What follows is an approximate time of the individual hatches. Each year is a bit different and the accuracy of the following information can not be guaranteed.

Type Dates Size Description
Blue Quill April 20 - May 10 16-18, 2x long Mahogany abdomens, clear wings
Hendrickson April 25 - May 10 12-14, 2x long Females pinkish-tan, males reddish brown, blue gray wings
Blue Wing Olive May 1 - June 30 14-20, 2x long Olive body, gray wings
Light Hendrickson May 15 - June 15 14-16, 2x long Tan to pale yellow, light gray wings
March Brown May 20 - June 10 10-12, 2x long Brown, yellowish bely, speckle gray-brown wings
Green Drake June 1 - 15 8-10, 4x long Chalky white, black veined wings
Pale Evening Dun June 5 - July 1 16-18, 2x long Bright yellow

Source: Syracuse Post Standard - Mike Kelly

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